I am the editor of a special issue of the open access journal Energies. The special issue is on energy transitions and economic change. I'm happy to announce that the first paper that I invited for the special issue has now already been published. It is by Steve Sorrell and is on the rebound effect.
The first contributed paper has also been published. Others are still in the peer review process and a few we also already rejected.
The model for these special issues is that the editor invites a number of people to contribute papers and there is also a general call for contributions. The journal is publishing papers as they are ready but you can still submit papers up to the 15th July deadline.
The first contributed paper has also been published. Others are still in the peer review process and a few we also already rejected.
The model for these special issues is that the editor invites a number of people to contribute papers and there is also a general call for contributions. The journal is publishing papers as they are ready but you can still submit papers up to the 15th July deadline.
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