The 2011 edition Ecological Economics Reviews has been published. Ecological Economics Reviews is an annual special issue of the Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences - a special issues only journal. This edition includes my paper "The Role of Energy in Economic Growth".
There are 12 articles in total and there are a lot of Australian authors!
Peter Wood (ANU): Climate change and game theory
Clem Tisdell (UQ): Core issues in the economics of biodiversity conservation
Natalie Stoeckl (JCU) et al.: The economic value of ecosystem services in the Great Barrier Reef: our state of knowledge
David Stern (ANU): The role of energy in economic growth
Barry Shelley (Brandeis): What should we call instruments commonly known as payments for environmental services? A review of the literature and a proposal
Colin Richardson (Imperial C., London) Jerry Courvisanos (U. Ballarat) and John W. Crawford (U. Sydney): Toward a synthetic economic systems modeling tool for sustainable exploitation of ecosystems
David Murphy (SUNY, Syracuse) and Charles Hall (SUNY, Syracuse): Energy return on investment, peak oil, and the end of economic growth
Elisabetta Magnani (UNSW): Environmental protection, inequality, and institutional change
Philip Lawn (Flinders U.) Is steady-state capitalism viable? A review of the issues and an answer in the affirmative
Lisi Krall (SUNY, Cortland) and Kent Klitgaard (Wells C.): Ecological economics and institutional change
Paul Epstein (Harvard) et al.: Full cost accounting for the life cycle of coal
Bhim Adhikari (UNU, Hamilton, Ontario) and Karthik Nadella (McMaster U.): Ecological economics of soil erosion: a review of the current state of knowledge
Clearly a key theme is institutional change that might be needed for sustainable development, which is addressed by the papers by Magnani, Law and Krall and Klitgaard. Institutions are of course also prominent in the paper by Wood on game theory and climate change. In particular, Magnani looks at labor market institutions, which were also the focus of the recent book by Tim Jackson.
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