Article Influence Score is a recursive impact factor. It is derived from the Eigenfactor Score by scaling for the number of articles published by a journal and for the average number of citations received by all journal articles. A score of above one means that articles in the journal have a larger than average impact.
Three of the journals are, therefore, more influential on a per article basis than the average journal across science. JEEM is the top journal but is only ranked 42nd among economics journals, which is maybe why the ARC didn't rank any of these journals as A*.
Because Ecological Economics publishes more articles than any of the other journals it has the highest Eigenfactor Score. This indicator is supposed to measure the overall importance of a journal to science. The sum of Eigenfactor Scores for all journals is 100. The top 1000 journals have scores above 0.01, which means Ecological Economics is in this elite group.
I mentioned last time how the number of citations received was rising over time. It's interesting to compare the data that Chunbo Ma and I collected for 2003 for JEEM and Ecological Economics:

JEEM has doubled the citations the journal receives in the last 6 years while Ecological Economics has quadrupled its citation rate. Impact factors have roughly doubled too. BTW, JEEM articles are now citing 33 items on average and Ecological Economics 46 on average. Increasingly long reference lists is one explanation for the rising impact factors we are seeing across the board.
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