Everything is now complete and debugged and the Environmental Economics Research Hub Reports are now included in the RePEc database. The papers will be included in the IDEAS and EconPapers search engines and other RePEc services.
This will provide much greater visibility for our working paper series in the worldwide economics community. RePEc has around 21,000 registered members and even more users. The RePEc database currently catalogs 3/4 million working papers and journal articles and has more than half a million items downloaded and more than 2 million abstracts viewed each month.
I strongly recommend all economists who are not yet members of RePEc to register. Registered members have searchable profiles online and receive monthly reports on downloads of their papers and other ranking statistics. In order for downloads to be included in your RePEc ranking, readers must download the paper through one of the RePEc services. I recommend always providing links to your papers (like this) through RePEc services when referring to them online.
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