I haven't blogged much recently as things have been very busy, teaching, admin, service (reviewing things), and lots of research projects in progress - 5 papers in review or under revision and at least 12 at various stages from basic research to near completed - almost all my current papers now involve coauthorship. This is also the time of the semester when we also start preparing for the next semester's teaching. I'll be teaching my energy economics course for the second time. And I have been planning my travel over the winter break. First, I am going to Guelph to the workshop on econometric applications in climatology. It's all planned and they've posted my paper. I just need to write a presentation and go. Though I've been to Canada, all my visits so far have been to Quebec. I'll also visit a friend in Virginia. I'll be back here just in time for my students' exam and essay grading. Then I'll be off on another trip that will include Addis Ababa, where the 4th Lead Author meeting of the IPCC Working Group 3 will be held. It's in Addis because one of the co-chairs of the working group is from Ethiopia. Another is from Cuba. That would have been interesting too, but I suppose that no Americans would go to the meeting, which would kind of be a problem... I'll go to some other places too, which maybe I'll report on when I get back :)

Nice paper! See my post on davegiles.blogspot.com today.