Monday, February 8, 2021

Energy and Economic Growth: Updated Animation

Almost seven years ago, I posted an animation of a series of Excel graphs showing the relationship between energy use and GDP per capita over time in a sample of 99 countries. In preparation for my Francqui Lectures, I've updated the animation to 2018 using the new PWT 10 GDP data (and still using IEA energy data). I also replaced Cuba with Botswana, but not changed any of the other countries:


The outlier that starts getting poorer but maintains its energy use near the end of the sequence is Venezuela. The curve does look like it twists a bit clockwise over time but it is still pretty consistent. So, I ran 48 annual cross section regressions and plotted the values of the coefficients over time with a 95% confidence interval:

The drop off in the slope coefficient in the last 2 years seems to be due to the behavior of the Venezuela outlier. Otherwise, both coefficients drift without a clear trend.

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